
2:46 PM (12/10/21): “The fate of humanity is entirely dependent, upon its moral development…” – Albert Einstein

2:48 PM (12/10/21): "With God, all things are possible... but without Him, 'none' are..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:09 PM (12/10/21): 

“Everyone experiences certain life events at different intervals of time, and for different reasons… so patience is key. All things are relative, as Albert Einstein alluded to when he said, ‘Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted… counts…When pursuing one’s life purpose, it may often be best to consult one’s own instincts, since the opinions of others may not be as informed… or concrete…” – Michael Izuchukwu

 "Those who don't appreciate life do not deserve life." -John Kramer - YouTube

3:24 PM (12/10/21): "An aspect of being grateful for life, is questioning the nature... of one's origin... By doing so, one invalidates the prospect that one takes such... for granted... In order to find, one has to seek..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Where did God come from ? - Best answer - YouTube

4:46 PM (12/10/21): "In the flow of time, we 3-D humans move through '3' dimensions (length, width and height/depth)... ...comprising our experience of spacetime... This makes me speculate, about the scenario in which time has ceased... and one experiences motion through space, without such... I suspect that in heaven, these conditions are met..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Is Time Travel Possible? - The Science of Time With Neil deGrasse Tyson - YouTube

5:06 PM (12/10/21): "In 1903, Orville (left) and Wilbur (right) Wright... were credited with the successful flight, of the world's first motor-operated plane... Such was a vision of theirs, for several years (prior to that measure of success)... Preceding such, were centuries in which it had been said... that airborne transportation... was 'science-fiction'... One tends to find, that there are always 'naysayers'... to certain feats, before they are achieved..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"It always seems impossible, until it's done..." - Nelson Mandela

5:12 PM (12/10/21): "The aforementioned excerpt, applies to the concept of the 'afterlife Superman' and 'afterlife Superwoman'... There is a boundary between the material realm, and that of the spirit... To naturally make such a transition, is something which Jesus Christ did... in the context of having Resurrected, after His Crucifixion... If a human attained a state which was conducive for 'asymptotic aging'... as a consequence of a tremendous degree of spiritual, mental and physical fortification... that could pave the way for him/her to undergo some type of 'metamorphosis'... I suppose..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:12 PM (12/10/21): "There are many things which are unknown, posing as challenges... which have yet to be mastered... Many oceans must be crossed, in order to arrive at new understandings..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Yann Tiersen - Pell (Official Video) - YouTube

6:17 PM (12/10/21): "Most people revolve around a certain 'agenda of familiarity,' on a daily basis... In our spheres of comfort, we humans may neglect the 'greater beyond' which is at work... Sometimes, viewing life through an objective and comprehensive lens... can be more transformative, than adhering to routine..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (feat. Lisa Hannigan) - Lucy In The Sky Soundtrack - YouTube


A DIARY: CONTINUED (log of speculations)


a. Michael Izuchukwu (@micolostud) • Instagram photos and videos

b. #5 - “Video footage of my ‘portable spacetime house (P.S.H.)’… which can be entered, via 'memory-based mind traveling)’... Such displays my time at my former apartment (at the Vanguard Crossing complex, in University City, MO), from 3/21/20 to 10/25/20...” - Michael Izuchukwu : pods72 (reddit.com)

NOTE #1:

INSTAGRAM SUPPLEMENT (mealportfolio112.blogspot.com)

In the context of the 'above video,' and the link that followed... around 11:40 AM, on 7/15/23... I was speculating, about the valuation... of such a home... in the context, of such being portable (one living outside of such, but within... at the same time... ...and within, from the perspective... of memory)... and in the context, of the 'prepared & consumed foods'...

NOTE #2:

Aaron Van Kampen on Instagram: “Mansion tour with a stranger πŸ‘€”

Indian dude, showing off his 'silver mansion'... 

NOTE #3:

A preview of my portable spacetime house (P.S.H.), 3/21/20 - 10/25/20 - YouTube

[Me... at my present dominion (in East Orange, NJ), as opposed to my former apartment (in University City, MO)... at 7:25 PM, on 12/2/22, viewing my portable spacetime house/former apartment (I had been outside of such, peering through the lens of my cell phone screen... to simulate myself, being within such... from the perspective, of memory)]

12:34 PM (7/15/23):

...for a person to create their own portable spacetime house (in the context of there being 12 months in a year), it kind of is a 'race against time, and a question of relativity... regarding where one is in life (one's vector - magnitude and direction), at the time of filming (in the context of one's educational... and socioeconomic background, along with one's age)'... if a presentation of quality (as opposed to quantity) is sought... If someone started footage of their own, in March 2025 and ended such in March 2027 (2 years/14 months), the impression would likely be different, than had that same individual done such... from the time interval, of March 2025... to September 2025... or March 2025 to March 2026 (6 to 12 months)... Also, the impression is different... based off one's vector... If a person dropped out of high school or had been incarcerated, and was showing off 'a mansion'... the effect is different, than if that person... happens to be a physician, businessman or professional athlete (to name a few examples)...

A house can be subjective, given that some people live in skyscrapers... and call their apartments, 'houses'...

Waking up with a view in New York City πŸ˜πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ #nyc #newyorkcity #centr... | TikTok

Video of a dude waking up, with a view of New York City's Central Park...

1:23 PM (7/15/23):
I was thinking of 'Matthew 19:24,' of the bible... when I decided to take initiative, in creating... a 'portable spacetime house,' for myself... Such arguably, was my motivation... ...and my experiences, since my lawsuit victory against  my mom (on 3/6/19), arguably were the catalyst... for that idea...

BAD BROTHER (thelawisthelaw25.blogspot.com)

1:56 PM (7/15/23):

Regarding my consideration of 'Matthew 19:24'... I had to first ask myself, what kind of person I was at the time (in terms of the world)... in late 2019... and where I ultimately wanted to go (in terms of the spirit)... I would argue that the gravity of one's worldly possessions, can detract... from that, which is necessary... to make gains, at what Jesus Christ... was alluding at... when He said, 'it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is... for a rich man, to enter... the Kingdom of Heaven'... This statement is a logical allusion, to gaining entry to heaven... via 'natural means'... ...given such evokes, that this feat... is 'of possibility'... by virtue, of the 'reference being made'...

2:30 PM (7/15/23):
Arguably, the rendering of a portable spacetime house... is photo-based (and accompanied by a song, of one's choice)... ... and there is a distinction, between photos and videos... that is of interest, to me. Both are 2-dimensional, but a video is more tangible... in the context, of such being a simulation... of a past moment, as though such were 'in real time'... ...whereas a photo, is a record of a past moment... as though such were 'in the past'... This goes to show, how there is a 'different gravity' affiliated... with each (photo and video)... ...and this has a correlation, to the nature... of 'higher dimensions'...

2:46 PM (7/15/23):
One is constantly moving forward, through spacetime... The challenge, is maintaining and/or improving upon... one's vector (magnitude and direction)... in the context, of the spirit, mind & body... When one's vector weakens... that arguably is the basis, for why people deterioriate... Someone who is 'asymptotically aging,' arguably has attained a degree of mastery... over 'this process'... and consequently, is 'defying spacetime'...


c. mci49 (@mci49) - Gab Social



9:53 AM (7/15/23):
"About a minute ago, I had a revelation... regarding the nature, of this site's interface/layout... I presently have 89 Blogger blogs, but it is apparent... that due to the caliber of the content, I write about... ...it doesn't take long, before I find myself... feeling as though, with just a few posts/steps... I have covered, much ground... To prevent 'meaning loss'... and to uphold the integrity, of my blogs' interpretations... I strive to keep them 'contained,' so that their discernment... is optimal.
It is easier to read through 10 posts, than 100 posts... when seeking, to have a document... that is like a picture, rather than pieces of such (a completed puzzle, rather than puzzle pieces)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

For this reason, I may have to go elsewhere... given the cyclical nature, of me arriving at this conclusion... ...whenever I return, to this site...

(a photo of Dr. Ben Carson, attempting to condense something... ...which is arguably, 'of the mind')
This post (#5), was likely inspired... from having seen this video thumbnail (display photo) on YouTube... moments before, composing such...


9:24 AM (7/15/23):

Shooter’s Touch on Instagram: “KD on why he doesn’t have any kids #nba #basketball #k #nfl #sports #lebronjames #lakers #ballislife #mlb #nbabasketball #nike #lebron…”

Analysis: Draymond Green interviewing Kevin Durant (at 32 years old), as to why he has no children

"I started thinking to myself, moments ago... that if a man has a child (at a certain stage, in life), there is an inclination/expectation... for him to look to his father, for childrearing advice..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:25 AM (7/25/23):

Something Filmy on Instagram: “I am just saying there are options. Movie: Up In The Air”

Analysis: George Clooney (as a character), telling a female on a train... the basis, for why he never wants to get married... or have children

"Ultimately, humans enter this world alone... and leave such, alone... and due to the nature of fear and death/departure... there is a tendency, to want to mask such... as something else..." - Michael Izuchukwu

NOTE #1:
Perhaps having children, is a natural... evolutionary instinct... ...but in the context of the aforementioned, I have to wonder... ...in the context, of the fact... that my dad never brought up the subject to me, when he had been alive (5/6/55 to 10/8/20)...

NOTE #2:

My mom is reluctant to bring up the subject, of childrearing... and such may be partially attributable, to the fact that she had a failed marriage... to my dad (he had been emotionally and psychologically abusive, for '21' years... until there was a divorce... in 2011)... She never initiates inquiry, about the status quo... of my relations, with 'the opposite sex'... If anything, she cohabits with my middle brother (JJ/John Jr.)... and has a complex, where she pretends that JJ is her deceased... ex-husband (in the context, of JJ's history... with law enforcement)...

NOTE #3:

Despite the above observations, my youngest brother (Joe) had proposed to a female named Yende... on 10/12/22... in Buenos Aires, Argentina... They met on the dating app 'Hinge'... a handful of years, ago...

Yende (Joe's fiancee) in the kitchen of my Aunt Colette's house... in South Orange, NJ, at 7:02 PM, on 11/24/22 - Thanksgiving 2022


8:19 AM (7/15/23):

Day in the life of a doctor - obstetrics chief #obgyn #medicine #docto... | TikTok


Interesting video, of Dr. Lydia Pulci... showcasing that she likes to eat Lorna Doone cookies, as a snack... Such happens to be a favorite, of mine....


8:17 AM (7/15/23):

Luther McElroy on Instagram: “As I make birthday promises to myself for better health in my next year on earth, this video relly struck a chord with me regarding my…”


A dude says he is confused, as to why some 'niggas' are training (his presumption is that such likely, is to deter working... a regular job)


8:15 AM (7/15/23):

Former Harvard president Larry Summers urges colleges to end legacy admissions (bostonglobe.com)

I suspect this article, is a consequence... of the Supreme Court's recent decision, to strike down affirmative action policies... across America, in the context of them being perceived as unconstitutional...

See: CNN’s Abby Phillip Shuts Down Student Activist After He Tells Her ‘The Standard Is Lowered’ For Black College Applicants (msn.com)
